Freitag, 18. Januar 2013


Starting a Blog is never easy! There are Millions of Billions of great Blogs out there - why should you view mine?

To be honest: I don't know. Maybe because you like movies, maybe because you want to have some trailer- fun, maybe because you have no life outside of the web or maybe I just don't give a...

The truth is: MTM is a Blog full of trailers. Good ones, new ones, stupid ones - yeah, especially stupid ones.

Have fun and like my friend Barny would say: Trailer up!


And now let's start with one of the worst trailers you might ever see. 
It has the worst acting you might ever see.
It's just like Black Swan.
But without everything Black Swan has.
Especially talent.
And good music.
And great shots.

It's called C me dance - I suggest "C me bad acting and praise the lord because the Republicans sponsored this piece of crap just as they chose the actors so don't blame the production company for this thing called movie" was just too long for a title.

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